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Q Q:2771343505


发布时间:2020-01-15 14:58:59  查看:
公司组织架构呈多元化发展,职能齐全,并与国内外各大船公司:EVERGREEN、MAERSK、HMM、COSCO、YML、CMA、HPL等长期保持着良好的合作关系,并成为其核心订舱代理,在欧洲、地中海、澳洲、中南美、中东、东南亚、非洲、日韩等航线具有很强的优势。      另外联诚集运在卡车的的整车出口、化肥、钢材代理出口以及红酒进口的门到门服务等也有非常丰富的经验。 公司拥有一批业务熟练、经验丰富、在国际物流行业具有很强的实践操作能力和丰富的经营管理经验的工作人员。依托广泛、全面的全球代理网络,可为客户提供航空运输、海洋运输租船、订舱、报关、报验、仓储、转运等一站式一条龙式服务以及大型工程设备运输、海空联运、铁海联运、公路配送、仓储物流等代理服务业务。 公司以上海空运航线为中心,整合中国华东地区的航线资源,服务航线覆盖全球的主要城市。 上海航空口岸汇集了全国60%以上的空运,近60家航空公司的进出口航线,鹏骏国际物流利用这些优势,整合各家航空公司的航线资源,采用包板协议 (BSA) , 舱位平衡 (EQ),货物互换方案 (Cargo WAP),并结合客户的空运产品特点,提供经济,快捷的国际空运解决方案。 我们是专业化的空运公司,熟悉各航空口岸的航空公司,并根据您产品的空运特点,选择相适合的空运航线 ,利用专业化的包机,包板、包量方式,有效的降低您的空运成本。同时提供航空口岸的海关报关,商检,清关派送服务。配合您的生产、运输、收款等各环节,最大程度的节约您宝贵的时间﹑人力,降低资金和时间风险,让您从此不再为交货期短和运输烦杂而烦扰。 公司旗下拥有完备的海运运输体系,与其他同行业公司的优势在于:利用遍布世界范围的业务网络,和船公司的良好关系,为客户提供最方便、快捷、经济的运输服务。此项服务能为客户节省30%的运输成本,为客户提供最经济、快捷的路线的同时,也为皇马国际物流的服务打开了一条与众不同的强势竞争砝码,让我们的服务遍及全球,遍及世界每个角落。 公司在整合运作的同时,还运用经验丰富的海运高素质人才直接与海关、商检、船务公司进行接洽联络,为客户设计物流解决方案的同时,更逐步扩展了皇马国际物流的海运范围和优化了模式体系,使之更加科学理想。 同时,皇马国际物流提供往返欧洲、北美、东南亚、澳洲、南美、日本的海运业务集装箱和海运拼箱业务,以优惠的运价提供门到门的全程服务。准确的成本核算,为客户提供最为经济快捷的海运服务。与多家国际著名的船公司签定长期合作协议,可为各进出口货物安排合适的班轮,提供及时的配货班期,拖车取送货服务。 Our company has been founded in September 2014 with a capital of 10 million CNY and was registered with and approved by the General Administration of Customs and the Ministry of Commerce and Communication. Shanghai Win-Win is an ISO 2008:9001 certified NVOCC: SMTC-NV 00873, member of the MTG (Multimodal Transportation Group): ID 0452, and the Africa Logistics Network. Our company has direct contracts with the Container Ship Companies HAPAG LLoyd, COSCO and SITC offering competitive pricing in international ocean freight. Apart from that we have agreements with several major shipping companies including: HMM, APL, EMC, PIL, MSK, MCC and UASC, that allows Win-Win to cover shipping lines in the Middle East, Red-sea, India, Pakistan, South-East Asia, Central and South of America, Africa, Europe and The Mediterranean Sea. We have established a robust network of partners WCA/CGLN/FIATA, agents and representatives that spans around the globe, providing us with local knowledge and expertise that grants Win-Win a strong foothold in all major ports around the world. Our company philosophy is to invest and establish contacts with the objective of sustainable long term partnerships. Therefore, no matter where in the world the shipment is going, we will have a local team of partners or representatives on the spot assuring a smooth flow of goods through the transportation chain. Win-Win Logistics boasts of a full range of services ranging from international transportation, distribution, warehousing, transshipment, FCL and LCL shipment, customs clearance, inspection, insurance to short haul transportation. We tailor each and every service to our customers’ needs according to our pursuit of stakeholders’ interest, “We are successful when you are”. Some of our most recent projects included the transportation of dangerous goods, large bulk, vehicles (Ro-Ro), liquids, and engineering equipment. Furthermore our storehouses offer room to over 40.000 square meters of cargo, combined with 24/7 service and our own trucking company we gladly take care of your door to door deliveries. Over the years, the employees at Shanghai Win-Win have acquired a wealth of experience which translates into sustainable success. As experts in the field of logistics, our team strives for delivering fast, reliable and efficient services, while at the same time providing personalized and flexible freight solutions that allow optimal logistics for our customers. From our office in Taicang we operate our cargo barge fleet of 20 ships, ranging from 350t to 20000t, capable of transporting Break Bulk, large machinery and equipment, reaching all Chinese Inland Ports. The most common goods we transport over inland waterways are: Steel, Coal, Sand and Gravel. Our Inland haulage service assures safe trucking delivery for special equipment, break/bulk, expensive cargo, OOG, oversized cargo and conventional cargo across all of China. All cargo that are within 4,2m wide, 4,3m high do “not” need to undergo pre-survey and can be directly quoted. After trucking your goods can be safely stored in our 40.000m2, 24/7 service warehouse. Located in the Pudong area, very close to the Shanghai Port. When it comes to special container services, we are particularly experienced in Open Top, Flat Rack and Reefer containers, providing professional cargo packaging, container stuffing and project planning services. Any further specialty fields handled by our Shanghai Office include the transportation of Dangerous Cargo and large construction machinery. At Shanghai Win-Win Logistics we tailor each and every service to our customers’ needs following the credo of: “We are successful when you are”.